Chairperson’s Desk

From Chairperson

“Contributing to the community gives happiness to your own heart”

Children are the future of our nation, if our children would be safe today we will get a brighter future tomorrow. For which we need to make their present secure. A child can be smarter or intelligent when their parents will seek interest in their routines. We need to educate ourselves and make every mother aware about the need of knowledge and role that they play in their child’s life. Many children are deprived of their basic rights in India for whom nobody bothers. We as a citizen of this nation  should seek this as our responsibility to make everyone capable to access their rights. Socially, I think anyone who contributes to the society is securing their future itself.

“For a wealthy life we need to have a healthy mind and for a healthy mind we need to have a healthy Body”

To become healthy we require changing and being careful for our routines. According to me habits are responsible for the desired health. We need to change our habits. Somehow, food that we intake also plays an important role in becoming healthy. Quality and hygienic food prevents unwanted diseases like sugar and diabetes. Our motive is to create a healthy living for the people of our nation that cannot afford expensive medicinal support and to cure their problems.

“Nature is the supreme power and we should respect it”

We ought to look after our nature too. It is our duty as a citizen to keep our surroundings clean. We need to educate ourselves about the need to understand the degradation happening to the environment due to the human actions. Controlling and managing the pollution is one main objective that we are looking forward on .

We had pledged that we will provide our nation a brighter future and serve selflessly.

Suman Sharma Chairperson & Founder Master in Economic, Master in Human Resource Management, Master in MSW