Health Facilites


Being healthy is a primary requirement for the Human kind. In this era of development, technology and science people aren’t careful about their routines and habits. In the hustle bustle of this busy life we don’t care our health. Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being. Many factors influence health . In order to be healthy social-well being is important. Moreover, government institutions and Health ministry plays an important role in providing quality heath to every citizen irrespective of gender, class or race. However, The government isn’t sufficient for a vast and populous country like India there comes the role of the NGO’s like us. Our team has covered parts of the Rural Haryana, Himachal Pradesh , Rural Punjab , Jharkhand , Bihar, Rural Rajasthan, Delhi & NCR  so far and improved the condition of the children, Women and Senior Citizens. Special awareness about intimate hygiene and care is also being spread by the team which helps a lot in controlling many STDs.  Also, we helped many aged people in improving and getting rid of their joint pains and strains.

Our Step towards providing quality health to the people has benefitted around   3,00,000 people till date.


Despite India’s 50% increase in GDP since 1991, more than one third of the world’s malnourished children live in India. Among these, half of the children under three years old are underweight and a third of wealthiest children are over-nutriented.

One of the major causes for malnutrition in India is economic inequality. Due to the low social status of some population groups, their diet often lacks in both quality and quantity. Women who suffer malnutrition are less likely to have healthy babies. Deficiencies in nutrition inflict long-term damage to both individuals and society. Compared with their better-fed peers, nutrition-deficient individuals are more likely to have infectious diseases such as pneumonia and tuberculosis, which lead to a higher mortality rate. In addition, nutrition-deficient individuals are less productive at work. Low productivity not only gives them low pay that traps them in a vicious circle of under-nutrition, but also brings inefficiency to the society, especially in India where labour is a major input factor for economic production. On the other hand, over-nutrition also has severe consequences. In India national obesity rates in 2010 were 14% for women and 18% for men with some urban areas having rates as high as 40%.Obesity causes several non-communicable diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, cancers and chronic respiratory diseases.


Navdarpan Against Malnutrition: –

Various BPL areas are being approached and a data has been collected according to which proper guidance and help is provided to the concerned person.

  • Proper nutritious diet plan under the guidance of Doctors are prepared for the undernourished person.
  • Food materials and cooked meals are served to the people accordingly.

Occasional food distribution drives are also held at different locations.