Vision and Mission

Our Vision  

A country is build by its people. An educated and a healthy man is more capable than a tired and an unhealthy person. Spreading Happiness and joy will make you happier. All this ideology help us to work selflessly on our mission.

our vision

Our Mission

Our Mission is to create a living standard for the people of the Nation that a common man always dreams of. We are work for the society doing our part apart from others in every possible field that a NGO can. Child Welfare, Women Welfare , Health Facilities, Legal Counselling, Education Counselling, Skill Development.  Keeping in mind that education and health are the primary criteria for a man to grow in his life we are extensively working on them. We have aimed to make this nation free of poverty and poorness. “A child is like a flower that needs light to grow” who in India is not getting a light of hope in his eyes for a better future, we are fighting against malnutrition and child abuse.